Elements of Holy Cross Parish Development
We know that there are some very profound changes facing us in the Church in the United States. Fewer clergy and religious, increasing numbers of Hispanics who are increasing here in the United States, more Hispanics coming to us from Mexico and Central America, the changing world of work are just some of the factors facing us, our children, and our Church.
This process of parish development--which is constantly evolving and growing--is intended to be flexible. It is a process which is able to change according to the needs of each area and community. It is a way for us to develop more lay leaders who thoroughly understand the mission, ministry, and work of the Church and who also understand and know their own local commmunities thoroughly. It is hoped that we can develop many lay leaders who will be able to collaborate more profoundly with the members of our Province and Congregation in pastoral leadership.
This process was developed by the organizers and leaders of the Industrial Areas Foundation. It has been used successfully in hundreds of parishes. It has helped to increase and develop leadership. There are a few elements which have been added to be able to highlight and develop the charisms of the Congregation of Holy Cross.
We are glad to be using this at Dolores Parish as a way to:
1. Holy Cross Heritage
Our Charisms:
2. Church Teachings and Tradition
Gaudium et Spes
Evangelii Nuntiandi
Reflections on Baptism, Mission of Jesus
Ecclesia in America
Reflections by U.S. traditions\thoughts
"Complex Task of the Parish"(by Msgr. Phil Murnion)
Marginal Catholics: Challenge, Dont Crush (by Msgr. Jos. Champlin)
3. Diversity in the Church
National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry
History of the Immigrant
ChurchReview 1Cor 11
Role of Culture in faith and liturgy
Write to the Provincial Superior mailto:korcsmar@ibm.net