Franciscan Sisters
Daughters of Mercy

... Bringing relief to the suffering and the poor
Our Beginnings
The Franciscan Sisters Daughters of Mercy had their beginning in the small village of Pina Mallorca, Spain on September 14, 1856.

Our Founders
The Congregation was founded by Rev. Mariano Ribas de Pina and his youngest sisters, Josefa Ribas de Pina.  Both brother and sister belonged to the noble family of the island.

Our Purpose
The name, Franciscans Daughters of Mercy, reveals that our principal goal is the practice of the virtue of mercy, that is, bringing relief to the suffering and to the poor. (Const. F.F.1)

Our Mission
As Franciscan Sisters Daughters of Mercy, we dedicate ourselves to a life of simplicity and joyfulness in serving God through the poor and less fortunate in the aeas of  pastoral ministry, social work, health care, education, child care, catechesis, and youth ministry.

As Franciscan Sisters Daughters of Mercy, the center of our life is Jesus Christ.  Our spirituality focuses on a passionate relationship with Jesus Christ, which in turn leads us to the Father of Mercy (II Cor. 1,3).

Everything We Do Flows from:
                    Living in community,
                         Shared dialogue,
                         Living the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience,
                         Community prayer and private prayer ,
                         Participation in daily Eucharist,

"Within themselves
let them always make
a dwelling home
for the Lord God Almighty,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
so that, with undivided hearts,
they may increase
in universal love
by continually turning
to God and
to neighbor."
-- Rules of St. Francis of Assisi

What next?
If you are interested in learning more about the life of a Franciscan Sister Daughter of Mercy, contact::

Sr. Rose Moreno               Tel: (512) 385-4333
1111 Montopolis Dr.        Fax: (512) 385-6116
Austin, TX.  78741           Email: